The Society of Abandoned Dolls
Dedicated to giving abandoned dolls a meaningful and rewarding role in civilization
Founded: Once Upon a Time / 2020
iSAD the International Society of Abandoned Dolls is
scheduled to open in other places in the big, wide world, very, very soon.
SAD Council weighs in on God of Time virus.
Possible early image of the Chronos Virus
The CID (Center for Intelligent Dolls) has
been called in to assist in the interrogation
of the Chronos Virus, which has been wreaking
havoc on the non-doll population.
CCTV footage of Chronos Virus on rampage
Chronos Virus was taken to the Hollywood based Head Quarters
of SAD after breakfast yesterday by a heavily armored truck
driven by a Teenage Mutant Contingent Turtle. Someone close
to one of the dolls who was present at the time said Chronos
Virus refused to answer any questions, and the Council of
Abandoned Dolls agreed that enhanced interrogation techniques
were called for –though they were not sure what that meant.
As of last night, before everyone went to bed, preparations
were made to deliver Chronos Virus under an enhanced security
guard provided by the elite Butterfly Security Squad to a CID
Black Site -possibly in a place near the deepest pits of Hell.
A source who was playing in the HQ hallway while all this was
going on said she believe the black site was in the kitchen.
Butterfly Security Recruit in training –somewhere in the living room (date unknown)
The SAD Council has rejected Ted’s suggestion that newly
arriving abandoned dolls should be allowed to play after bedtime.
Suzi, the head of lost limbs and knotted hair, said she felt
Ted was already pulling to many strings and suggested he go to
bed early once in a while.
Vlad the Complainer has again failed in his attempts to acquire
a war-horse on which to ride into battle.
The stock market is looking good from unicorn backpacks.